Thursday, 13 November 2014

Egg Less Vanilla Cake

Egg Less Vanilla Cake

Egg Less Vanilla Cake

Egg Less Vanilla Cake is a wonderful & simple recipe of an egg less cake. It's a treat for those who often miss out on cakes because they are made with eggs. 

Egg Less Vanilla Cake

In this recipe you can experience the richness of vanilla cake without compromising on the flavor. This egg less cake is simple to bake & perfect for any occasion.

Egg Less Vanilla Cake


1 cup fine flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp soda bicarbonate
4 tbsp butter
3/4 cup condensed milk
1 tsp vanilla essence


1. Preheat oven to 180ºC.

2. Sieve fine flour, baking powder & soda bi-carbonate together. Keep aside.

3. Combine condensed milk, butter & vanilla essence in a bowl mix well till light & fluffy.   
4. Gradually add refine flour, mix well after each addition. 

5. Mix it well for 3-4 minutes till mixture is smooth & light. 

6. Grease cake pot & lightly dust it with fine flour.

7. Pour the better into a cake pot & bake for about 35-40 mins.

8. Remove from the oven, leave to cool completely.

9. Cut the cake into desired pieces & serve.


  1. Thanks for sharing it. It is very helpful for the vegetarians.

  2. A perfect afternoon coffee cake!! First time here...keep up the good work. Will be happy if you follow me back as well.

  3. vanilla cake looks soft and yummy.

  4. yummy cake!! looks so soft and fluffy!!

  5. nice cake for vege like me...thanks for sharing

  6. Nice yummy and easy to cook.

  7. Great Vanilla cake recipe.This recipe is Very good, easy and fast!! Thanks for sharing good cake recipe.
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  8. Hi your cake looks perfect.can u pls tell me soda biecorbonate & baking soda are same.thank u

    1. Hi
      thanks for visiting my recipe.yes, soda bicarbonate & baking soda are same Baking soda and bicarbonate of soda are actually different names for the same thing.
